Fun fact: Cosma Shalizi is sort of my grand-advisor. To be precise, he was my undergraduate research advisor George Montañez's PhD advisor (I'm now remembering the tributes to Manuel Blum after my friend Sheon's profile of him: "Manuel Blum was not my advisor, he was my advisor's advisor.", "Manuel Blum was not my advisor, he was my advisor's father").

In a great blog post, Shalizi wrote about how attention is a form of kernel smoothing. I think there are a few takeaways here. One is the relationship between the concepts themselves, which I'll elaborate a bit on here. The second is that some of the most game-changing research ideas aren't "new" in the sense we like to imagine — they're not ex nihilo. But even the same idea, the same underlying mathematics, presented with a different light in a different context with different terminology and intuition... can do so much more than it might have without this new presentation.

I'll add more to this in time, but the main idea that Shalizi presents is that what was branded "attention" was really a form of kernel smoothing. Consider a kernel function \(K(u,v)\) that measures how similar \(u\) is to \(v\), that is non-negative and maximized when \(u = v\) (what's the simplest one you can think of?).

A kernel adjusted for numerical overflow/underflow looks like this:

$$ K(u,v) = \text{exp}\left(\dfrac{\mathbf{w_1}u \cdot \mathbf{w_2}v}{\sqrt{d}}\right) $$

where the vectors \(u\) and \(v\) are \(d\)-dimensional.

The kernel function can then be used as a weight in the average

$$ \sum_{i=1}^n y_i \dfrac{K(x_i,x_o)}{\sum_{j=1}^n K(x_j,x_o)} $$

In attention, \(x_o\) is the query vector, the \(x_i\) are the key vectors, and \(y_i\) are the value vectors. In self-attention, \(y_i = \mathbf{r}x_i\) for another square matrix \(\mathbf{r}\).

Anyway, I like staring at pictures and diagrams sometimes, so here's a little tool to play around with attention and kernel smoothing over an input. The input sequence is something much simpler than we actually work with: it's 50 points evenly spaced from 0 to 1 where each point has a value determined by a combo of sinusoidal functions. Kernel smoothing is intuitive — attention is taking each point's 4D positional encoding and transforming it into a query/key vector, computing similarity scores between those transformed positions, then using those similarities as weight to create a weighted average of the values (sinusoidal function vals). That's just attention!

I'm not a UI Guy, so some explanation of what's going on is in order. What you're looking at is a little plot of the values produced by kernel smoothing and attention over the same input. Numerically they're not quite the same, as you should expect! I also added a little visualization of weight profiles at the middle position of the input sequence: we're seeing how much weight/attention the middle point gives every other point. In this case things don't look terribly different. Kernel smoothing weights decay symmetrically (we have a bell curve centered at 0.5); attention weights can learn more complex patterns but here we just see a flatter bell curve.

A few notes on the relationship:

  1. Both mechanisms fundamentally are computing weighted averages, but they have different approaches to determining the weights — kernel smoothing uses a fixed function of position difference while attention learns its similarity function.
  2. Given some of the above, kernel smoothing is explicitly local while attention can learn arbitrary similarity patterns. So a properly trained attention mechanism could mimic kernel smoothing (and they'd look the same in the plot!), but it can learn other patterns as well.